Monday Tidings

I know, I haven’t been on a whole lot lately and I just wanted to touch base. I’m alive! As many of you know, November is National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo/NaNo)  so I have been swimming in a caffeine overload, exhausted daze. Or floating maybe. On top of that, my husband started a small business making wands. Because November seemed like a good idea to start that. I told him wands would be a good business. He didn’t really believe me and figured it would just be a steady stream or something. Well, now as he gets ready to start his fourth batch, he definitely believes me.

My NaNo projects are coming along pretty well! I have been working a few different ones; dystopian fey, a regular old fiction, poetry, and children’s. I have to admit….I do not think children’s books are my cup of tea. I had a fun idea but I just have…have a hard time making sure everything is kid friendly. So yeah.

My reading has tapered off a bit because of the writing but hopefully it will pick back up. Or I might take a few days from reading (*GASP*) to catch up on getting some reviews done. I have quite a few that need to be coming out. Plus I just got some lovely arcs and I received a free copy of Frank Cavallo’s Eye of The Storm from a giveaway Danielle did over at her wonderful blog, Books, Vertigo and Tea. This book looks seriously rad…ex-Navy Seal and friend catapulted through time and having to face a dark wizard with an undead army and a queen and her fierce Neanderthal. There was no way I could walk away from that giveaway. Even if I didn’t win, I’m pretty sure I would have been checking out that book.

I’m also looking at making an actual schedule to help keep me on track here. Maybe even start doing some interviews if that is something you guys would be interested in?

I also will probably be changing up the layout here too. Buh. I’m thinking I am going to be busy for awhile here!

In the meantime, good luck on finishing NaNo if you are also doing it! I’ll see you on the other side of the war :3


EDIT: I forgot to add links for the wands XD This is the website where there is also a wand wood quiz. We also have an etsy account and a Facebook page. The easiest way to do anything is on the Etsy page because that’s what we strangely check the most. 😉 ❤


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