All posts by misplacedselchie

I enjoy random writing related thoughts, plot bunnies, and good books. One of these days I'll get my own book finished.

Book Review: Mina Cortez by Jeffrey Cook

I’m just going to collapse face first for a moment. I don’t know what has been with me the last few months. My brain has apparently been on some sort of strike.

But I’m here now! I think! And with me, I bring you another review! -commence gasps, ooh’s and aah’s-

“But when even her history teacher knew she was all set to become a lifelong florist, she had to admit it. She was doomed.”

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Book Review: I’m Still Alive by Kelly Blanchard

-starts playing Aloe Blacc’s Back In The Saddle in the background-

It’s time to kick my butt into gear and knock these reviews out! I have this one and hopefully a review for Mina Cortez by Jeffrey Cook should be finished by tonight or tomorrow morning. I’ve been in an awful funk lately and I’m trying to force myself out of it. Bah!

Anyways! On to review!

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Book Review: Bounty by J.D. Cunegan

So I just got done watching the funniest video where they translated You’ll Be Back from Hamilton using Google Translate and then translated it back into English and sang it. Wow. It was awesome. Seriously, YouTube that. Or you know what, here, I’ll YouTube it for you and you just have to click here


“Those left behind didn’t care about procedure or protocol; they wanted answers, and more importantly, they deserved justice.”

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Book Review: Skeins Unfurled by K.M. Vanderbilt

One down and….many more to go. Right now I’m trying to think through my son throwing a tantrum. He just doesn’t feel like calming down apparently. I think it is going to be one of those nights? (He eventually calmed down, but it wasn’t in time for me to be able to get this posted last night)



“I will not grind the bones of my people beneath my heel. They will come to me of their own free will. They will fight for their beliefs, fight for their rights as living beings, and establish themselves as more than cattle.”

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Book Review: Blood Hound by James Osiris Baldwin

Alright, alright! I have so many reviews to get knocked out, and I’m hoping I can get quite a few done this weekend. I always feel bad when I don’t get them done in a timely manner 😦 With NaNoWriMo being over, I at least have some more time now to sit and get them written and done. I did go and mark stars on Goodreads at least for a few of them, so it is just a matter of going back and writing about them.

So, the first of many reviews goes to Blood Hound by the Dragon Awards-nominated James Osiris Baldwin.

James Baldwin is another fantastic author from the NaNo group whom I am going to smack a few times alongside Kelly Blanchard and Jeffrey Cook for severely messing with my feels.

“One of the first things every new mage learns about magic is that-despite your newly discovered powers over the universe-you are forever a struggling speck of krill in a very large, very cold, very dangerous ocean.”

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COVER REVEAL: Ever in the After: 13 Fantasy Tales

Hello everyone!! I should be having some reviews out within a week ,  but in the meantime I’m a bit excited about this post today. Like super stoked.

Today, I get to bring to you the gorgeous cover of a fantasy/SFF anthology dedicated to a wonderful cause, created and designed by Stephanie Keyes. This book contains thirteen short stories that delve through the fantasy realms as the characters face supernatural creatures and spells to do what they need to in order to succeed . 

And 100% of the proceeds go to Lift 4 Autism.

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Monday Tidings

I know, I haven’t been on a whole lot lately and I just wanted to touch base. I’m alive! As many of you know, November is National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo/NaNo)  so I have been swimming in a caffeine overload, exhausted daze. Or floating maybe. On top of that, my husband started a small business making wands. Because November seemed like a good idea to start that. I told him wands would be a good business. He didn’t really believe me and figured it would just be a steady stream or something. Well, now as he gets ready to start his fourth batch, he definitely believes me.

My NaNo projects are coming along pretty well! I have been working a few different ones; dystopian fey, a regular old fiction, poetry, and children’s. I have to admit….I do not think children’s books are my cup of tea. I had a fun idea but I just have…have a hard time making sure everything is kid friendly. So yeah.

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Book Review: I Still Have A Soul by Kelly Blanchard

I received a digital copy of this book for free because the author is awesome while I try to get my tight finances together to buy a physical copy of the book.

We all have those moments where life just gets a little ahead of us, and that has been like the past month or two for me. It has at least calmed down enough that I can maintain flotation for NaNoWriMo. And today, I can actually sit down and work on some reviews!

Because I really really need to get them done. I have actually went on Goodreads and just starred a few of them. I am hoping when I get a chance, I can go back and expand a little more as opposed to just leaving whatever star rating I left. Hopefully I can get them done this weekend, but I am at least getting this one knocked out because it HAS TO BE.


“And you’re just tell us this now?”
Lorrek shrugged. “I saw no need to say anything earlier. They can’t kill me, and I  most certainly wouldn’t mind them killing the lot of you.”

Continue reading Book Review: I Still Have A Soul by Kelly Blanchard

Book Review: Angel in Training by C.L Coffey

I made a hot chocolate microwave brownie. It. Was. So. Good.  I’m trying really hard to not go make another one….but then between that and my cookies from earlier I just might make myself sick over here. So to stave off my the nausea I have succumbed to season 2 of Shameless. I know, right? Point a gun to my head…

But now it is another review time!

I picked this book up a bit ago. I think there was something about one of the retailers getting all uppity about the cover being too violent or something? I can’t really remember now if that was this book or a different one. But I think it was this one and since whoever it was had a problem I was like “I shall buy it!” Plus, I liked the premise. I actually read all three books that are out within a week.

But seriously, this cover is so pretty.


“No drinking, no drugs, no sex-” He cut me off with another laugh. “That’s not an angel. That’s a nun.”

Continue reading Book Review: Angel in Training by C.L Coffey

Book Review: Chasing Rabbits by Erin Bedford

Trucking through right here! I had to go get some grocery shopping done. And then I had to make cookies.  Because…cookies.  Actually, I was trying out a new recipe and they are freaking awesome. The base is 2 bananas and a cup of instant oats. Then you just add whatever you want. I added in chocolate chips and dried cranberries. I kind of wish I just did chocolate. All the chocolate.. But they are still yummy. And I’m probably going to make them a million more times.

So now, that I have my cookies, I can focus on some reviews!


“As I began to believe in myself, in my own ability to save myself, I could feel something rising up in me. The need to save myself.”

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